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Make Money By Entering Online Competitions

on Thursday, 13 October 2011

Most people are focused on making money online, but what about winning it? This is an area where you can really enjoy the idea of ​​making a lot of money in a very short time.

And it's not just money you can win. Luxury cars, vacations, computers, free groceries, one year of your mortgage ... you name it, you can probably find online and try to win.
The secret is to know how to get started in the shortest time possible - and to know where to look...

Did you ever meet someone in your neighborhood that seems to be luckier than others? She seems a lot of disposable income to spend on cars and major holidays, especially since they are not the kind of jobs that would bring in much money.

There are two possible (legal) answers to this. They may have a second company they run from home, or perhaps they introduce a lot of online competitions.

Of course there are plenty of online competitions you might as well go, but the big bonus of online games is that they are quick and convenient access and you do not generally have to muck around collecting vouchers or something, so you immediately participate. Everything is done online and that means you can enter more races than you would if you tried to enter the offline versions.

The most common form of online competition is one where you answer a multiple choice question and fill in your details to be entered into the competition itself. Most of these questions are simple and even if you are stumped for a few minutes of research on the internet will usually returned to the correct answer.

The most important rule to remember is to stand the best chance to win as many matches as you go you can. The popularity of each game will vary, because most people will only tend to the competitions to win prizes they have to enter. Some matches are not many entries received at all, which means that it is in your best interest to enter everything in sight.

Remember that when you finally win something you do not like or want, you can either take the price and sell on eBay, through the local paper or sell it to a friend or relative. That gives you another way to make money online games!

Many companies turn to online games possible leads for promoting and selling their future products to start, and you will need to give them a valid email address (and sometimes a phone number) to enter the competition. You then agree to receive promotional e-mails from them in the future.

To ensure that your inbox is flooded with such emails, make sure that the institution of purely another email address of your submissions. Just remember to check occasionally to see if you won something!

You can easily find dozens of online contests to enter by typing that exact phrase into the search engines. Many sites will let them free to join, and they will give you access to the best games on the web at any given time. This is a great way to save time because everything is in one convenient place.

Even if you try to make money online in other ways, entering contests is so simple you'd be crazy not to try next to your other efforts. You could soon be a brand new car parked outside as a reward for your efforts.

Before you do something to make money online give us feedback in the box below to let us know you did it.

Make Money By Entering Online Competitions



Make Money by Writing Poetry on Internet


There are many ways to make money from writing, but poetry is certainly one of the more unlikely ones. After all, most poets struggle to make something up, let alone a large amount of money from their efforts.

But if you think laterally you actually really good this branch of writing. It can never be a full time career, but there are people who have a nice second income from penning a few rhymes and poems occasionally.

The secret is to make sure that you are writing for the right markets. Read on to find out what they are.

There is a very large market for poetry you're likely looking at virtually every day, and yet most people just do not realize that it exists as an opportunity to make money.
The market that we have been greeting cards manufacturers. After all, how many cards you see that simple poems in them, a message to the recipient that could be funny, heartwarming, emotional or happy? If you can get this kind of poetry you can be well rewarded for each one you write that eventually accepted.

There are two ways to write the best markets for it. First, you can visit your local card shops and see what cards manufacturers publish these poems on them. You would know that you are more of a talent with some earlier than others, so concentrate your search on manufacturers and publishers of the cards that you feel you could write create.

Make a note of the company name and then a search on the internet to find them. This is the best way to other companies that you might not easily find in the shops.
Not all greeting card companies are looking for freelance work, but those who often have guidelines on their website, so print them out and read them carefully for a chance of success are. You might find it helpful to write down some ideas as you read them, because they may be looking for specific ideas or themes that you could work.

Companies like this usually allows you to send a batch of ideas at the same time due to the short duration of the work, so make sure you send some to take your time on them to ensure that they the best you can do. Editing your work is very important - even for items as short as this will be - because there is much competition on many occasions and even the odd change a word here and there can make the difference between acceptance and rejection.

Persevere with your efforts too, because it might take a few tries before you accept anything. The major part of making money from your poetry in this way is that you get to see your poems on the cards in your local store once they are published - and there is no greater reward than that!

You could also make your own cards and if you sell a lot of poems that you want to use that were rejected by the card companies. Many people will pay generously for handmade cards and if you feel confident enough you could be a premium, including fees for writing unique poems for special people.

If this is your creative juices flowing why not start write your ideas down right now? You will find it useful to keep a notepad with you at all times to record when they come to you - but the first thing you need to write a comment for us in the box below!

Make money from YouTube


You Tube is one of those websites that has really taken the internet by storm. As long as you have the correct equipment for a home movie (and it is not too difficult to get through without shelling out lots of money now) shoot you stand a chance of developing an existing business or starting a new, purely by signing its up to You Tube and put the films online.

But that does not explain what kind of videos you should make. Well relax, because that is what you are about to find out. There is a great way to make money using this website to make, you are about to find out what it is.

Let's start by looking at You Tube as a way to bring more revenue for your existing business. If you can shoot short videos related to your company (making sure you include the URL of your website on the video itself) you can expect more traffic to your website and hopefully more clients as a result.

Let's say for example you have a website that sells all kinds of handicraft articles. So you could make a video showing people how their own home made cards. They would check your website to see what you sell. This process can be duplicated, no matter what type of business you have.
The key is to think visually. There is no point just sitting in front of a camera to tell people about something - you have to show them too. Always remember when you think of ideas for videos - you will get a better response if you do get them.

In that sense you are not making money directly from You Tube, but rather, you use it as a way to make money elsewhere. It's a great tool for attracting attention and funneling people to the site. You can actually tout it not for the business directly on the site, so you are better off focusing on how the attention of the people you could sell to get. Once you figure out how to do that, they will be more than happy to check your website to see what you offer.

But what if you do not have a business to promote? Well, there are some people who have been successful in promoting affiliate opportunities on the site - again by placing the relevant web address on the video itself (if you're on You Tube it appear again and again to see if a kind of watermark effect) and either placing a video that is free for anyone to use and place, or by making their own. Again, as long as you have something relevant to what you're selling you a decent amount of traffic flowing to your website.

It may take some getting used to how to upload videos to You Tube works (especially if you have not already done so), but once you've done a few you'll get the hang of. More importantly, have you found another stream of income to add to your arsenal of Internet marketing ideas!

One last point - original.
Choose from copyright free videos, but if you have a pretty decent one yourself to make, why not try to attract more attention to that?

Leave us a comment below to let us know how you intend to use You Tube to make money!

Make money from Website Directories


From all the different ways of the world to make money online, this is probably one of the more unusual. It is certainly not the first that come to mind ... and yet, when you think you could end up by giving a go (the name Yahoo sound familiar?) Can you see why it's worth at least considering the idea?

What's more, you can choose your focus, so it appeals to everyone online or just a particular subject area. If you choose the second option, you might end up building a whole empire of websites over time.

So what is a website directory anyway? Simply put a website that lists other websites. But of course it's a bit more than that. Those into specific categories everyone visiting your site can find what they need quickly and easily.

The first step is to decide what you want the focus of your directory to be. Do you want everything on the list, or want to focus on a particular topic? For example, you could create a directory listing stores and shops in a particular country. Please leave an area where there is enough meat to be picked, a website that lists fake mustache sellers in a particular city is unlikely to be so great.

If your subject that you need to make your Web site, and it must be good. Its worth it professionally designed because people just do not use it does not look respectable. The cost will be worth it because you will be able to charge for your offers.
Adding a tariff on your website the way you make money. Free offers will also generate valuable free advertising and promotion for you, because in exchange for a free listing that you require a back link to your website. The free offers also basic needs so that the paid listings to stand out and more worth the money you count them.

Kind of paid listings, so what do you offer? You can charge for two basic types, such as a regular paid listing would appear on top of the relevant category, while a premium paid listing, the use of fat involvement, so it would be more of his rivals.

You can develop paid services as much or as little as you like, for example, free offers can not provide a clickable link to the website is advertised, while the paid endorsements. You might also be an optional additional fee to add premium paid listings, so the buyers for their company logo or a picture on their list also add.

The fees you charge are up to you, but it is important to remember that people will not pay money if their websites are not going to be seen by many potential customers. Therefore make sure that your site has real value by generating streams of traffic to it (a good reason to have free offers that a link to your site need).

The more traffic to your website directory is able to get, the more visitors your customers likely to get in return, and the more they will be prepared to pay a premium listing. In this way, building a successful directory has two main areas of interest - first, a lot of listings on your site to get, and secondly, a lot of traffic to these statements.

By doing this you will add real value to your website and word will begin to get out of your website directory indeed help drive traffic to those sites. Once you can find this claim than the paid applications for admission will start pouring in.

Once this stage you may also consider spreading the word about the efficiency and benefits of your site offers by spending some of your profits in more advertising. Google Ad Words can get even more deals paid for very little outlay.

Leave us a comment below to let us know what you think, and start making plans for your own website directory. Good luck!