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Make Money by Writing Poetry on Internet

on Thursday, 13 October 2011

There are many ways to make money from writing, but poetry is certainly one of the more unlikely ones. After all, most poets struggle to make something up, let alone a large amount of money from their efforts.

But if you think laterally you actually really good this branch of writing. It can never be a full time career, but there are people who have a nice second income from penning a few rhymes and poems occasionally.

The secret is to make sure that you are writing for the right markets. Read on to find out what they are.

There is a very large market for poetry you're likely looking at virtually every day, and yet most people just do not realize that it exists as an opportunity to make money.
The market that we have been greeting cards manufacturers. After all, how many cards you see that simple poems in them, a message to the recipient that could be funny, heartwarming, emotional or happy? If you can get this kind of poetry you can be well rewarded for each one you write that eventually accepted.

There are two ways to write the best markets for it. First, you can visit your local card shops and see what cards manufacturers publish these poems on them. You would know that you are more of a talent with some earlier than others, so concentrate your search on manufacturers and publishers of the cards that you feel you could write create.

Make a note of the company name and then a search on the internet to find them. This is the best way to other companies that you might not easily find in the shops.
Not all greeting card companies are looking for freelance work, but those who often have guidelines on their website, so print them out and read them carefully for a chance of success are. You might find it helpful to write down some ideas as you read them, because they may be looking for specific ideas or themes that you could work.

Companies like this usually allows you to send a batch of ideas at the same time due to the short duration of the work, so make sure you send some to take your time on them to ensure that they the best you can do. Editing your work is very important - even for items as short as this will be - because there is much competition on many occasions and even the odd change a word here and there can make the difference between acceptance and rejection.

Persevere with your efforts too, because it might take a few tries before you accept anything. The major part of making money from your poetry in this way is that you get to see your poems on the cards in your local store once they are published - and there is no greater reward than that!

You could also make your own cards and if you sell a lot of poems that you want to use that were rejected by the card companies. Many people will pay generously for handmade cards and if you feel confident enough you could be a premium, including fees for writing unique poems for special people.

If this is your creative juices flowing why not start write your ideas down right now? You will find it useful to keep a notepad with you at all times to record when they come to you - but the first thing you need to write a comment for us in the box below!


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