Tube is
one of those websites that has
really taken the internet by storm. As long as you
have the correct equipment for
a home movie (and
it is not too difficult to get through
without shelling out
lots of money now) shoot you stand a chance of developing an existing business or starting a new, purely by
signing its up to
You Tube and put the
films online.
But that does not explain what kind of videos you should make. Well relax, because that is what you are about to find out. There is a great way to make money using this website to make, you are about to find out what it is.
Let's start by looking at You Tube as a way to bring more revenue for your existing business. If you can shoot short videos related to your company (making sure you include the URL of your website on the video itself) you can expect more traffic to your website and hopefully more clients as a result.
Let's say for example you have a website that sells all kinds of handicraft articles. So you could make a video showing people how their own home made cards. They would check your website to see what you sell. This process can be duplicated, no matter what type of business you have.
The key is to think visually. There
is no point just sitting in front of a camera to tell people about something -
you have to show them too. Always
remember when you think of ideas for videos - you will get a better response if
you do get them.
In that sense you are not making money directly from You Tube, but rather, you use it as a way to make money elsewhere. It's a great tool for attracting attention and funneling people to the site. You can actually tout it not for the business directly on the site, so you are better off focusing on how the attention of the people you could sell to get. Once you figure out how to do that, they will be more than happy to check your website to see what you offer.
But what if you do not have a business to promote? Well, there are some people who have been successful in promoting affiliate opportunities on the site - again by placing the relevant web address on the video itself (if you're on You Tube it appear again and again to see if a kind of watermark effect) and either placing a video that is free for anyone to use and place, or by making their own. Again, as long as you have something relevant to what you're selling you a decent amount of traffic flowing to your website.
It may take some getting used to how to upload videos to You Tube works (especially if you have not already done so), but once you've done a few you'll get the hang of. More importantly, have you found another stream of income to add to your arsenal of Internet marketing ideas!
One last point - original. Choose from copyright free videos, but if you have a pretty decent one yourself to make, why not try to attract more attention to that?
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us know how you intend to use You Tube to make money!
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