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Parking Expired Domains

on Tuesday, 13 March 2012

So what do you do once you've purchased a domain name? Build a website around it and hopefully make some money through quality content and Adsense ads, right?

Well you can do it that way, but you can also buy domains to use for a different reason - and generally is a lot less work.

Parking expired domains is a way that you have a nice stream of income to earn doing nothing. Read on for more information.

Tons of domain names expire every day, and each is an opportunity for you to earn money. Provided you know what types of domain to buy in the first place, you can quickly start generating a substantial income from such activities.

Obviously the more popular the domain name, the more traffic will get. A domain name that a hugely popular keyword or words like "credit cards" for example, contains, suffers from traffic - and it is these domains that you want to when they expire in hands.

Get your domain registered with a provider that does not charge a fortune for the sale of domains and also provides a domain parking service. You need a company that lets you park a large number of domains to find, because if you get started you want to go!

The whole premise of domain parking is that you can not build a website around your domain. Parking refers in principle to introduce a page up that is supposed to stay there and earn some money for you while you build the website that will replace it.

But we are not interested in building a site. The only thing we should do is make money from that page and the profits of the traffic it will receive. If you've chosen your domain name properly - according to the most popular keywords that are searched for every minute of every day online - you direct traffic to your page. You can begin substantially benefit from the traffic the domain name already pulled in.

So how can you make money your page?

Most domain name providers that have a domain parking servicewill provide you with the tools you need to get your page to earn money. Just as you would with Google Adsense, it is important toclosely focus on the people who are going to find your page through the search enginesSo for example if your domain contains the words' top credit cardsyour page would be as attractive as possible to people who are looking for the best credit cards.

By using the best keyword combinations that you can find (try usinga free keyword tool online - there are many of them availableyou will be able to provide the best performing keywords for that particular topic to choose. It may take a little trial and error toachieve optimal performance, but you learn from this experienceand it's a great feeling watching your income from every ad your visitors clicks go up and up!

Once you have a domain parked and bringing in money, you canstart looking for others to buy. It's a good idea to start slowly and buyone or two domains at a time, once you have parked a few and you have the core of how it works you can start thinking about buyingmore. Some people end up with hundreds and raking in cash every day without lifting a finger to do it.

That's the beauty of making money with this method - it is fully automated, once you've done the initial setup of the domain and advertising.

Sounds goodBefore you rush off to start, post your comments in the form below. Maybe you can come back and post again to let usknow how well you do once you have your first few domains parkedand earning money for you


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